Silver Screen Style

Unsung Style Icons — Beyond Jackie and Audrey Style

Unsung Style Icons  — Beyond Jackie and Audrey Style

February 2023 2 minute read Capsule Wardrobe | Classic Fashion | Silver Screen Style | Sustainable Fashion | The Mindful Closet | Timeless Fashion

Most of us know the classic style icons like Jackie, Audrey, or anyone French. Countless books have been written about all of them. But what about the... more »

Grace Kelly — Thrifty Style Icon?

Grace Kelly — Thrifty Style Icon?

October 2021 3 minute read American Fashion | Classic Fashion | Silver Screen Style | The Mindful Closet | Timeless Fashion | Vintage Inspired Style

When one thinks about Grace Kelly's style, thrift isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Even as Princess of Monaco, she was fond of her old clothing,... more »

90s Fashion: The Iconic Great Expectations Green Look

90s Fashion: The Iconic Great Expectations Green Look

October 2021 2 minute read American Fashion | Capsule Wardrobe | Silver Screen Style | The Mindful Closet | Timeless Fashion

A timeless wardrobe is an iconic wardrobe. The minimalist style of 90s fashion inspires so much of Senza Tempo's design and the iconic green look... more »

Marilyn Monroe Style: If you’ve got it, flaunt it

Marilyn Monroe Style: If you’ve got it, flaunt it

October 2021 2 minute read American Fashion | Classic Fashion | Silver Screen Style | The Mindful Closet | Timeless Fashion | Vintage Inspired Style

Marilyn Monroe's style was surprisingly minimalist off-screen, which is why we named our Marilyn line of silk tee shirts after the Hollywood icon. Her... more »

Get the Look: Grace Kelly's Rear Window Style

Get the Look: Grace Kelly's Rear Window Style

July 2021 2 minute read American Fashion | Classic Fashion | Silver Screen Style | The Mindful Closet | Timeless Fashion

  Some watch Hitchcock films as much for the fashion as they do for the mystery, Rear Window (1954) is no exception. Grace Kelly’s wardrobe... more »